We love to surround ourselves with like-minded businesses and professionals who believe in making a difference to the business community. Over the years, we have spent a lot of time building relationships with those who we truly believe can benefit our clients in some way – whether it’s through sharing their knowledge, their service offerings or their networks. It’s important to us that these “alliance partners” have our client’s best interests at heart, offer fantastic customer service and are forward-thinking, inspiring individuals. We do not accept referral fees from any of these people – we just genuinely like what they do, and how they do it.
Godfrey Pembroke

We touch base with Helen Baker & Rob Berens quite regularly, and are always impressed with their incredible knowledge and know-how when it comes to their industry. Both have a true passion for getting the best result for their clients and are frequently requested keynote speakers for industry events. Rob & Helen can come to your workplace to provide educational presentations and one-on-one appointments with your staff at little or no cost to you. Their award-winning Financial Wellness Programmes can be customised for delivery to your staff, and personal consultations can be arranged for individuals and business owners. If you need to get your finances in check and insure your valuable assets (remember your most valuable asset is not your business or your home, but your ability to earn!) , we highly recommend that you speak to Helen or Rob.
Contact Helen Baker/Rob Berens
The Christie Centre | Level 5, 320 Adelaide Street | BRISBANE QLD 4000 | PO Box 10531
T 07 3123 6947 | F 07 3839 1700
www.godfreypembroke.com.au | helen@gpfas.com.au
Business Support Centre, DTESB

A valuable resource for business owners and business intenders. They offer a wide range of services: tailored market and industry research, workshops, webinars, templates and web-resources to enhance your business planning and growth. Most of these services are FREE or at little cost and are open to businesses at any stage of growth. We frequently promote their services to our clients, and the feedback has been phenomenal!
Sign Sculpt Pty Ltd

Sign Sculpt offer a wonderful all-round solution for graphic design (including Auto-Wraps!) print and electronic marketing. Sign Sculpt manage JBS’s graphic design for our print and electronic marketing, including our business cards, print/electronic brochures, pull-up banners and logos. We’re always impressed with their quick turn-around times, communication and work quality!
Contact Maria Pitman for these services and much much more!
Maria Pitman – Sales & Projects Manager
Unit 8, 97 Jijaws Street | (PO Box 720) | Sumner Park QLD 4074
T 07 3715 6008 | F 07 3715 8002
www.signsculpt.com.au | www.autowrapsaustralia.com.au